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The American magazine Forbes ranked South Korea's Samsung among the five most important Asian companies. Thanks to the very successful production of consumer electronics, Samsung ranked there alongside such companies as Toyota, Sony, the Indian HDFC Bank and the Chinese business network Alibaba.

Forbes said that it resorted to the selection of these companies mainly because of their significant shaping of the world. What is also very interesting about Samsung is that it sticks to the business strategy it announced back in 1993 and does not deviate significantly from it. It is said to have helped him gain the position of one of the most important players in the technology segment.

A good strategy will overcome setbacks

Díky dobré strategii se tak Samsungu nijak výrazně nedotkly ani neúspěchy s jeho produkty. Například loňské problémy s vybuchujícími telefony Galaxy Note 7 přešla společnost s ohledem na závažnost celé situace poměrně bez problému. A co víc, z problémů se poučila a z vyřazených kusů vytěžila peníze coby ze sběratelské edice, která šla na dračku. Letošní model Note 8, čili nástupce vybuchujícího Note 7, se navíc setkal s obrovským úspěchem a jeho objednávky zaskočily i samotné Jihokorejce.

So let's see how Samsung will do in the future. However, since it has a lot of interesting projects underway and its flagships are often more attractive in the eyes of customers than those from competing brands including Apple, Samsung's power in the technology industry will probably continue to rise for some time to come. However, let us be surprised by what he will present to us in the coming months.


Source: koreaherald

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