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A new sports bracelet, or if you want a smart onewatch, Gear Fit2 Pro was introduced by Samsung quite modestly recently. Even so, many users of this technology were quite ecstatic about it and were already planning a visit to the Samsung Store. However, if users wanted to pair their watch with iPhonem, a problem soon came.

Soon it will be more than a month and a half since the watch has been out and Samsung is still waiting for it Apple approves the app needed to pair the watch with the phone in its App Store. However, he is not quite up to it yet. A bug in Samsung's software is likely to blame, due to which Apple suspended the entire approval process. However, some owners of the new Gear Fit2 Pro think that the whole process is just a competitive battle to prevent Samsung's products from fitting at least partially into Apple's ecosystem. It is clear that Gear Fit2 will be used by those apple users who did not like u Apple Watch and are looking for a similar replacement. Of course, Apple doesn't like that very much.

Apple lovers should think carefully about their purchase

Either way, it's clear that if you're an iPhone owner and you've been eyeing Samsung's Gear Fit2, you should probably hold off for a while longer. Until Samsung and Apple they will find a common language, because your bracelet will be half as functional. But let's face it, even after adding Apple support, its features won't be as great as if you paired it with a Samsung smartphone. However, the decision is entirely up to you. After all, the solution to this problem is probably already on its way.

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Source: CNET

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