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Do you like going to the cinema? Then the following lines will make you happy. In July, the South Korean giant presented its new 4K Cinema LED Display, i.e. a screen intended mainly for cinemas. It reaches 10,3 meters, supports HDR and offers viewers an unbeatable movie experience. Now Samsung has started installing it in the first movie theaters.

The lucky ones to enjoy movies from the new screen will be Bangkok users early next year. The local cinema operator signed a supply contract with Samsung and thus secured great prestige for his cinema. Similar technology is used only by cinemas in South Korea. However, the uniqueness of these cinemas will probably end soon. The unique screen should be extended to other large cities very soon. Chile is speculating about London, for example.

A new dimension of experience

We cannot be surprised at the interest of cinema operators in this news. According to them, the experience of watching movies on these screens is truly phenomenal. This is also confirmed by the head of the display division at Samsung, HS Kim: "Thanks to sharper and more realistic colors, great sound and unique image dynamics, the viewer of our cinema screen feels as if he is drawn into the movie itself."

We'll see how the news takes hold in the world. About its financial demands informace we don't have, but it certainly won't be small numbers. However, the big players in the film industry will take their empire to a completely different level with this investment, and it is definitely worth it. So let's be surprised where we will meet this new product near us.


Source: Sammobile

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