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The smartphones that we use today can do things that we could only know about a few years ago. However, their creators try to push the boundaries even further and invent new and new things to make their customers' lives easier. One such thing could be an environmental sensor that would tell the user about various things informace about the environment in which it is currently located.

Would the sensor improve users' health?

Just imagine - you get off the train in Ostrava, look at your phone and immediately know that you won't be able to breathe well today due to the bad smog situation, or you're in China and because of the polluted air, you immediately put on a mask after being notified. This is exactly how the technology that Samsung recently patented could look like. According to the description, the sensor should sense and analyze atmospheric conditions and evaluate them as essential for the user informace. These would then serve to warn them. They could then more easily decide whether to protect themselves from bad air in some way or not.

However, if you've been dreaming of similar technology in your phone, let your appetite go away for a while. It is quite possible that it would initially appear only in certain countries, which are struggling the most with poor air quality. In addition, this is just a patent so far, so it is not written anywhere that we will see this technology at all. However, since this problem is relatively current and similar technology has been talked about for some time already, its arrival can be expected. However, let's be surprised when it will be and whether Samsung will be its pioneer.

Air quality smartphone sensor

Source: Sammobile

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