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Nikdy nekončící boj mezi Samsungem a Applem má za sebou další ukončenou bitvu. Jihokorejský gigant však nemůže být s jejím výsledkem ani za mák spokojen. V soudní tahanici, která se jako již tradičně týkala patentů, totiž prohrál a tím pádem zaplatí Applu rovných 120 milionů dolarů.

Apple's software elements were allegedly not used by Samsung

The US Supreme Court ruled today that Apple's lawsuit alleging software patent infringement years ago is based on truth and Samsung will have to pay for its wrongdoing. However, the South Koreans do not like this, of course, and claim that the software, which enables, among other things, the legendary "slide to unlock" gesture or to convert phone numbers into a "link" from which you can call when pressed, has not violated any of Apple's patents. But since it has been repeating this song since 2014, when the court tried to unravel it in court, and there is quite a lot of ambiguity in it, the American judiciary ran out of patience and declared Samsung guilty. In addition, he was immediately informed in the courtroom that a possible appeal would no longer be considered.

It's no wonder that Samsung is very unhappy with the result. "Our arguments were supported by a lot of evidence, so we were confident that the court would find us in this case. Unfortunately, the restoration of fair standards that support innovation and prevent abuse of the patent system is not happening," said one of Samsung's advocates. He later pointed out that Apple has now been allowed to illegally profit from an invalid patent with impunity, which is of course a big mistake.

Ačkoliv je dnešní prohra Samsungu jistě velmi mrzutá, v porovnání s jinou soudní bitvou neznamená pro společnost prakticky nic. Za nedlouho se totiž odehraje další obří soud mezi Applem a Samsungem, ve kterém se však bude hrát o částky o poznání vyšší. V krajních případech mohou dosáhnout dokonce stamilionů či miliard dolarů.


Source: the verge

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