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Is a smartphone from Apple or from Samsung better? This is exactly the question that has divided smartphone fans for many years into two irreconcilable camps that try to praise their phones to the heavens. According to the latest survey of the company LikeFolio however, it looks like iPhone enthusiasm is slowly waning and Samsung is gaining more and more prominence.

In its research, the research company used data obtained mainly through various questionnaires on social networks, in which users were asked to gradually express how they react to new phones from Apple or Samsung and, if they own a phone from these companies, how satisfied they are with it. However, if you think that there was not a clear winner here either, you are wrong.

Samsung flagships are worth more

The survey showed that their users are significantly more satisfied with Samsung phones and share their positive evaluations on social networks much more often than iPhone users. Although the respondents are by no means dismissing iPhones and, for example, the majority of respondents are quite enthusiastic about the iPhone X, however, according to them, it also has a lot to work on. A big weakness is, for example, its battery, which in terms of capacity cannot be compared with the competitor Samsung. The material from which this year's models are made is also a big minus. Compared to metal, glass is much more susceptible to damage and its replacement is very expensive for customers.

If we are talking about the price, even the iPhone X takes some of the prestige away. Rival Samsung Galaxy The S8, which, by the way, is very popular worldwide, is about one third cheaper. At the same time, its equipment is in the eyes of many users with iPhonem X at least comparable.

Although similar analyzes are certainly very pleasant news for smartphone users from Samsung, and even the South Korean giant will certainly not be angry about them, we still have to take them with a considerable margin. Just because a lot of people don't tweet about the quality of iPhones doesn't necessarily mean that the phone is bad. After all, quality things are rarely talked about in the world, and problematic things are pointed out far more.

samsung customer

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