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Commercial message: If you're after smart home accessories that you can control via your smartphone, then you've come to the right place. In cooperation with Gearbest, we have prepared for our readers a special discount coupon for the smart Xiaomi Aqara motion sensor, which after the discount translates to only CZK 170.

Xiaomi Aqara can detect a person at a distance of up to 7 meters and at an angle of 170 degrees. In addition, it also manages to recognize the intensity of the lighting and pass the information on to other smart household elements – for example, light bulbs that change their brightness based on settings. The sensor thus needs to be connected to a gateway that connects other smart accessories and is connected to the network. Thanks to this, Xiaomi Aqara also manages to send notifications to the application on the phone. The device is powered by a built-in battery, works in temperatures from -10 to 45 °C, and thanks to the hinge it has, you can place it almost anywhere (on the wall, ceiling or floor) and rotate it as you like.

Due to the price, you don't have to pay tax or duty.

Xiaomi Aqara motion sensor FB

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