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We live in a "smart" world, where we are able to arrange almost any thing with just a few touches of our fingers on the display or just with our voice, which can be used, for example, to turn on the lights or start your favorite music. But did you know that these smart conveniences are slowly starting to penetrate the animal kingdom as well? Some companies are starting to invent clever gadgets that would make it a little easier for people to live with animals again.

In the course of this year, a product called eShepard will hit the market, which will give farmers the opportunity to create "invisible" fences. The whole system will work on the principle of an intelligent collar for animals, which will alert the animal with a small electrical impulse to return to the rest of the herd if it strays away from it and goes outside the reserved pasture. However, if you think that this novelty is a world unique that no one can beat, you are wrong. Samsung has patented a similar feature that it would like to target mainly at dogs.

According to Samsung's patent, the South Koreans would like to introduce something like a smart collar in the future, thanks to which the owners will be able to "control" their dog. Their smartphone should be able to set, for example, how far the dog can run from them, and as soon as the animal leaves the given zone, it will be warned in a certain way (probably again with a small electric shock) to return to its owner. With a bit of exaggeration, it can be said that Samsung is working on a kind of virtual guide.

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This idea sounds almost unbelievable. Either way, we should realize that this is just a patent, of which technological companies register real quantities every year. It is therefore possible that this new product will not see the light of day at all. If Samsung decided to create it, it is very difficult to say whether it will be successful. Such a thing is really very debatable and will definitely find a lot of supporters and opponents among dog owners. 

patent guide

Source: patentlyapple

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