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Samsung is apparently one of four companies interested in buying Nokia's healthcare division. According to French news site Le Monde, the South Korean giant is eyeing a division called Nokia Health that deals with digital health. Nest, a subsidiary of Google, and two other French companies also showed interest in Nokia Health.

Nokia bought digital health startup Withings in 2016 to target the smart health market. After the takeover, the startup was renamed Nokia Health, with the division currently producing a range of health products for the home, such as an activity tracker and a sleep sensor.

However, the division is apparently not doing as well as Nokia had imagined, so the company is moving on. According to Le Monde, the buyer will pay less than the $192 million for which Nokia previously bought the startup.

Google, Samsung and two other companies are interested in Nokia Health, so it is now in the stars which hands the division will fall into. Both Samsung and Google develop a diverse range of smart health-focused products, so their interest in Nokia Health is logical.

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