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Press Release: Viber, one of the leading global communication applications, brings all football fans a unique sports experience, where they combine their love for football and their ability to predict the results of matches. The news comes on the occasion of the opening of the World Cup in Russia tomorrow. Viber offers fans a special set of football stickers called World Football 2018, a new functional chat extension where they can predict the results of matches and compete for interesting prizes, as well as chat bots.

Fans around the world love to predict match results and team standings based on future soccer match results. While some have their list stored in an Excel workbook, others use an office bulletin board, and the old-school ones keep spreadsheets in their notebooks. Viber now brings them a new and innovative way to organize their leaderboards.

Viber's new functional chat extension brings a lot of fun with making predictions and tracking match scores to the message area - allowing users to instantly compete and compare ratings in an automatically updated table. In the same way, users can follow the progress of the match in real time, and on Viber they will also find the current development of the match and the rating of the World Cup matches.

“For football fans, this is an adrenaline-pumping month that revolves around the World Cup. Being one of them ourselves, we are very happy to now allow them to have this great event at the center of their Viber chat. Transforming an old office bulletin board into a chat scoreboard, accompanied by the competitive fervor of group messaging, is a completely innovative idea,” says Djamel Agaoua, CEO of Viber.

For those who want to get even more involved, Viber offers the opportunity to participate in global leaderboards to win amazing prizes:

  • Accurate predictions of match results will allow fans to get thousands of free Viber sticker packs, free Viber Out credit and more content.
  • One lucky fan with the most points will be crowned the "Ultimate World Football Fan" and will win the prize every football fan dreams of: a VIP trip for the winner and their friend to the famous El Clásico game next year season. Z8pad will be able to watch from the front row of seats at the Camp Nou stadium!

Viber released on the occasion of the World Cup as well exclusive pack of free soccer stickersv 16 jazykových verzích a češtin je jedním z nich. Samolepky nabízí fanouškům další možnosti, jak společně komunikovat a užít si spoustu zábavy.

Aby byl zážitek opravdu maximální, špičkové mediální společnosti po celém světě, včetně a, they will open special Viber communities, kde bude mít neomezené množství fanoušků možnost sledovat zajímavé rozhovory o fotbalu nebo se zúčastnit programu komunitních skórovacích listin. „90min je to, co dává fanouškům hlas, takže partnerství s firmou Viber a budování fanouškovských fotbalových komunit na jejich platformě je pro nás jedinečnou příležitostí zapojit fanoušky v reálném čase do největší události světa.“ Andres Cardenas, globální manažer fotbalové divize ve společnosti 90min.

Stáhněte si Viber a vytvořte si svojí skórovací listinu ve skupinovém chatu, více informací naleznete <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>.

Frequently asked questions

How can users start their group scorecard?

  • User share their match predictions in group chat through new World Football Chat Extension.
  • Once a user has shared their predictions, they can easily create their leaderboard by clicking the appropriate button in the chat extension panel. Other members who want to join and appear in the table must share their score estimates in the group.
  • If a user appears on multiple scorecards, only one result estimate will be taken into account on them, and that will be the last estimate for each game.
  • To ensure users never miss a match, a special chatbot will send them a daily reminder to complete their predictions before the match starts.

How can users collect points?

  • If the user guesses the match score perfectly, they will receive 3 points and win an instant prize.
  • If the user does not guess the exact result, but correctly predicts who will win the match, they will receive at least 1 point towards the total number of points collected. For example, if a user predicted Russia to win 3-1 and the match ended with Russia winning 3-2.
  • These points are automatically added to all tables of that user in different groups.

Rakuten Viber

V Rakuten Viber propojujeme lidi – bez ohledu na to, kdo jsou nebo odkud jsou. Naše více než 1 miliarda uživatelů po celém světě má přístup k řadě funkcí, jako jsou například individuální chaty, videohovory, skupinové zprávy nebo novinky a diskuse se svými oblíbenými značkami a celebritami. Uživatelům nabízíme všechny potřebné nástroje, aby se mohli bezpečně vyjadřovat. Viber je součástí Rakuten Group, světového lídra v oblasti elektronického obchodování a finančních služeb.


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