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Recently, a lot has been heard about Samsung's foldable smartphone, which should revolutionize the smartphone market in many ways. However, there is nothing to be surprised about. Its development was also confirmed by the head of the mobile division, DJ Koh, who also let it be known that its arrival is just around the corner and Samsung will show it to the world soon. The developer conference, which will be held in November, appeared to be the most likely date for the presentation. In the end, Samsung will probably not present the smartphone, however, according to many sources, it should reveal certain details about it. 

According to the latest information, in terms of hardware, the phone is almost finished. However, the software that will run on it is still under development. It is clear that it has to be significantly adapted due to the specifics of the flexible display. 

It is also not clear how Samsung will solve this security model. The phone should not have a fingerprint reader either on the back or in the display. Either a face scan or a classic numerical code comes into consideration. It is also interesting that, due to its size, the phone should weigh approximately 200 grams, which is quite a lot, but on the other hand, the weight is lower than that of the largest iPhones from rival Apple. In addition, the weight could have been much greater. But Samsung was allegedly forced to use smaller batteries, which slightly affected the weight. 

As for the flexible part of the display, which will be the most critical point of the entire smartphone, it is apparently processed really perfectly. The prototype of the phone has already undergone greater stress tests, and it is said to have withstood 200 bends without damage. Fears that the user will destroy the phone by frequently opening and closing it are therefore unfounded. 

Whether these are informace true or not, we could find out relatively soon. The fact is that we have known about the work on a foldable smartphone for about a year. During this time, its development logically moved significantly forward. 


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