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The fact that Samsung sees the future in flexible smartphones is probably nothing to imagine, thanks to the recent demonstration of its first flexible prototype. What is interesting, however, is that although he does not know now how the world will react to a similar type of smartphone, since he will put it on the shelves of stores only at the beginning of next year, according to the available information, he already expects to release its upgraded version every year. 

Chuť přinášet každý rok vylepšený skládací smartphone potvrdil i sám šéf mobilní divize Samsungu DJ Koh, který mimo jiné řekl, že mobilní divizi Samsungu čekají v budoucnu zlaté časy, které budou daleko lepší než ty, které prožívá nyní. Vloni se jí sice modely Galaxy S8 a Note8 podařilo svět zaujmout, letošek je však v tomto ohledu zcela opačný a vylepšené vlajkové lodě příliš ohlasů nezískaly. Příchod modelů Galaxy S10 to Galaxy F však mohou zaběhlé pořádky změnit. 

That Samsung intends to start developing other flexible smartphones with all its vigor is also confirmed by patent applications from recent weeks, which reveal the designs of foldable telephones. It follows from them that Samsung wants to try a whole range of different solutions, from which it could choose the least successful one in a few years and continue to improve it. 

So let's see how Samsung does in this regard in the future. But if he manages to perfect his foldable smartphone in every way, he could really change the mobile market with it. However, it is still too early to make such predictions. 

Samsung Galaxy F concept FB

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