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Commercial message: Nowadays, power banks are not something that you would probably sit on your ass, so to speak. However, the one that Alza introduced recently will put you on it. His name is Alza Power Station PS450 and with a bit of exaggeration, it can be described as a power bank on steroids, as it can handle incredible things. So let's take a closer look at her together. 

The first thing that you u powerbank zřejmě zajímá, je její kapacita. Už ta mnohým z vás zřejmě vyrazí dech, jelikož je rovných 124 800 mAh! To jinými slovy znamená, že byste si powerbankou teoreticky dobili svůj iPhone XS z 0 % na 100 % hned 47x. Toto dělo však samozřejmě neslouží jen k nabíjení smartphonů, což ostatně potvrzuje i široký arzenál konektorů. Na powerbance totiž naleznete jeden USB-C port s PD, jeden USB-A port s QC3, dva klasické USB-A porty, dvě klasické zásuvky o maximálním příkonu 300 W, jednu autozásuvku a tři DC 5521 výstupy. S trochou nadsázky se tak dá říci, že k AlzaPower Station PS450 připojíte téměř celou vaší domácnost. Problém totiž není s méně náročnými domácími spotřebiči, počítači, tablety, smartphony či spoustou další elektroniky. To vše totiž dokáže novinky z řady AlzaPower tighten without problem. 

However, charging is not the only thing Alza Power Station PS450 he can You can rely on it even if you feel like listening to music, as the power bank has a high-quality speaker that can reliably sound your house or garden. In the dark, you will appreciate the very powerful LED light, with which you can very easily start the SOS or strobe mode in case of an emergency. However, despite the impressive features, the charging station has retained a relatively decent compactness. It measures 29 x 15,5 x 19 centimeters and weighs 5,5 kilograms, which makes it a pleasant companion, for example, at a cabin or camping in nature. And be careful, the power bank is also very durable, as it is made of aluminum, BAS and PC Plastic. 

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