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While in recent years apps have tried to make you use them as often and for as long as possible, recently everything has been reversed. More and more applications and even entire operating systems are trying to warn their users about how much time they spend on their mobile phone or tablet and try to force them to take a break from watching the screen. In this way, companies and developers primarily create positive PR. Google is moving with the times and bringing a new feature to the YouTube app that notifies you when you should go to bed. In a new feature within YouTube, users can set when the application should alert them to stop watching videos and go to bed or other activities.

The new feature allows you to set a time at which YouTube will notify you that it would be a good idea to stop watching videos. Next, you have the option to either finish watching the currently playing video or simply say goodbye to it immediately. You can of course postpone the function or cancel it completely and continue watching undisturbed. The function is available within the settings in the YouTube application, where you will find the item Remind me when it's time to go to sleep and here you can set everything you need. The feature is available on iOS i Android devices starting today.


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