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The loosening of measures continues not only in the Czech Republic, but also in many other countries. Even though the worst of the spread of the coronavirus is behind us, it is still important to follow certain rules such as wearing masks in buildings or keeping a distance from strangers. Google has now released a handy app that uses augmented reality to make social distancing easier.

The application is called Sodar and can be run directly on the web. Just go to the web page in Google Chrome or abbreviated and simply click the Launch button. In the next step, you'll need to agree to the permissions the app needs to work, and then just calibrate your phone by pointing it at the floor.

After the calibration is complete, you will already see a curved line that is two meters away and shows how far away you should be from strangers. As augmented reality is used, the line moves according to how you move the phone yourself. Currently Sodar does not work on iOS and on the elderly Android devices. In order to function, support for the ARCore service, which is available on the system, is needed Android 7.0 and higher.

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