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In about two months, we should expect the introduction of the phones of the series Galaxy Note 20, which should already be equipped with the new One UI 2.5 superstructure. We haven't heard much about this superstructure so far. Basically, there was only talk about the fact that in this version, gestures will be supported in third-party launchers as well. Today, however, the first screenshots of One UI 2.5 appeared on the Internet, revealing that Samsung plans to add ads directly to its applications.

The ads will reportedly only appear on phones Galaxy M a Galaxy A, to the flagships of the ranks Galaxy With a Galaxy Notes are to be avoided. It is currently unclear if the ads will only appear in South Korea or if they will appear in other countries as well. The representative of Samsung Korea already stated in October of last year that advertisements are planned for the One UI superstructure, thanks to which it will be possible to pay for longer software support for cheaper models.

In the first screenshot, the ad appears in the weather app, in the second, it appears directly on the lock screen. What is unusual is that the user has to wait at least 15 seconds before being able to unlock the phone. This is a suspiciously large restriction on the use of the phone, which even unknown Chinese companies offering extremely cheap phones with dubious software do not allow themselves.

One of the possible explanations could be that Samsung is preparing special versions of the phones that will be much cheaper in exchange for displaying advertisements. We could see a similar business model years ago with Amazon. Next informace we will definitely hear about this "news" in the coming days and weeks. Samsung did not directly comment on the leak of screenshots or ads in One UI.

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