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Samsung Internet is one of the most popular Android browsers. However, one of the biggest drawbacks was that it didn't support the autofill API. This means that if you used a password manager, it did not work in this browser and you had to manually enter passwords for websites or laboriously copy them. The only exception was Samsung Pass, with which autofill worked. Fortunately, this is changing in the latest update of this browser.

However, it's a bit strange that there isn't full support for the Autofill API that was introduced in Androidwith 8.0 Oreo. Google created this API so that any password storage service can use it. However, Samsung has decided to only support certain services. For example, if you use the password manager 1Password, LastPass or Dashlane, autofill will also work in the Samsung browser. However, if you use a password manager from Google or Firefox Lockwise, you are out of luck.

The second news in this update is the update of the rendering engine to Chromium 79. Until now, Samsung Internet Browser was using the year-old version of Chromium 71. The update to version 12 should already be available in the Google Play Store or Galaxy Store. If you don't have the update yet and don't want to wait, you can download it manually from

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