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Although a leak from time to time might seem like a banality, in the case of multinational corporations and technology giants, it can be a death sentence. Companies patent various key technologies that are needed for the proper functioning of internal and external infrastructure, and if they end up in the wrong hands, the company could suffer not only financial losses, but also losses related to intellectual property. It is no different with Samsung, in which case out informace brought out by several researchers working on OLED technology. They then sold it to China and cashed in on it. South Korea sentenced both men to prison terms for corporate espionage and several million dollars in lost profits.

According to unnamed sources, both scientists were supposed to hold a higher position in the company, and the director of the display industry, with whom Samsung worked in the past, was also supposed to be involved in the spying. It should be noted that it was not a matter of bringing out-of-date information. According to the police, the two men got hold of the experimental technology that Samsung tested in the second half of last year. After a thorough investigation, several representatives of senior management were also taken into custody, although they did not directly participate in the data theft, but quietly watched it and supported the illegal process. Specifically, it was the technology of inkjet printing of OLED screens, which is significantly different from the standard method and would enable the production of up to 20% cheaper 4K displays. And it's no wonder that Samsung is so hungry for similar leaks, because the company has already invested 10 billion won, or roughly 8.5 million dollars, in development and research. We'll see where the whole situation goes.

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