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In the case of the South Korean Samsung, there is no doubt that it is an absolute giant that playfully dominates the market, and even if it is losing globally, for example, to Apple, still usurps the largest share in his homeland. After all, this is also informed by the latest analysis, according to which Samsung's value increased by 2% compared to last year, which does not seem like much, but helped the company maintain its status as the most valuable manufacturer in the country. The total market value is thus around 67.7 trillion won, which is converted to 57.1 billion dollars. According to Yonhap, this means the South Korean manufacturer is bigger than all the other brands there combined.

The second place is held by the car company Hyundai Motors, which, although it recorded a year-on-year growth of 4.8%, but with a value of 13.2 billion dollars lost significantly to Samsung. Kia Motors and Naver, the largest web portal there, are in a similar situation, which profits mainly from advertising and advertisers. So if we combine the value of all the companies up to the 4th place, except of course the South Korean smartphone giant, we get a total of $24.4 billion, which is not even half of Samsung's market value. It can be argued that the company is the main phone manufacturer in the country, but the competitor in the form of LG finished only in 9th place, and until recently it was one of the leading manufacturers in the world. We'll see where Samsung's astronomical growth leads.

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