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It's been a while since the iOS discovered the legendary Civilization game series and pleased players with the addition of the sixth installment. Thus, the game immediately entered the list of the best strategies on mobile devices and won a reputation that was not too far from the laudatory reviews on Steam. Nevertheless, the players on Androidu were on edge and were slowly starting to ask when the Creative Assembly studio would serve them an honest port. The latter proved, at least in the case of iPhones, to be unrivaled and once and for all rid developers of doubts about whether strategies have their place on mobile devices. At the same time, the creators came up with one more favorable surprise.

One way or another, we will once again take control of the empire, obtain resources, declare wars, and above all, conclude peace treaties. So it will be up to us whether we decide to exterminate our adversary and wipe it off the face of the earth, or, on the contrary, give him a chance and he will become our faithful ally. In addition, the port should also boast full-fledged gameplay that is significantly closer to the computer version, and the same options. The fact that we will also see the expansions Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall, which will be available for $39.99 and $29.99, speaks for itself. The only drawback may be playing on a small screen, however, the game has been adapted to that as well. Therefore, if you are attracted by a sophisticated strategy for dozens of hours and you are not afraid of some decision-making, we recommend heading to Google Play and for $19.99 buy the base game. In addition, you can also try a short demo that allows you to play up to 60 moves. Will you go into battle?

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