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Samsung's business is extremely messy. Given the fact that smartphone sales are down a bit, Samsung can be rubbing its hands over a deal with IBM, which will definitely put some dollars in the company's coffers. So Samsung celebrates the victory.

What's going on? Samsung for IBM will produce new chips for data centers called POWER 10, which is the successor of the current POWER 9. The POWER 10 architecture promises up to a threefold increase in energy efficiency, which will also be possible thanks to the 7 nm production process. However, there will be improvements in several areas. IBM POWER 10 also boasts new security features such as memory encryption. Also new is the groundbreaking Memory Inception technology, which can improve cloud capacity and chip performance under heavy memory load. The new chip architecture provides 10x, 15x and 20x faster AI for FP32, BFloat16 and INT8 calculations per socket compared to the previous chip generation. IBM reportedly wants to start using its chip as soon as possible. For Samsung, this is another contract regarding the production of 7nm chips. A few months ago, the South Korean company took a swipe at Nvidia over the production of some 7nm GPUs. However, Samsung shares this contract with TSMC. However, nothing more was said about the latest contract. Quite possibly, therefore, IBM bet only and only on Samsung regarding this matter.

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