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Although the South Korean giant has recently been particularly proud of its success in the smartphone market, it has not forgotten the segment of smart televisions and displays either. This is precisely where the company scores, especially in innovation and new technologies that break existing standards and establish a new generation of what is possible. The same is true of Quantum Dot technology, which has so far been more of a marketing gimmick. So far, Samsung has only sold displays based on QLED, which, however, had several additional functions, such as improved backlighting or color correlation. But according to the latest information, the technology giant is working on a completely new generation that has Quantum Dot in the true sense of the word.

Unlike the existing models, the upcoming displays will contain a full-fledged QLED panel and, above all, emitting Quntum Dot technology, which will ensure a different rendering of colors and, above all, a completely different interaction with the screen. And it's no wonder that Samsung took such a big bite out of it, as it invested over 11 billion dollars in the entire project and intends to start production on a large scale. According to analysts, the company even has a plan to cut production of LCD displays and focus exclusively on QLED and Quantum Dot, which could change the segment of smart TVs and screens as we know them. The fight for market dominance seems to be heating up and we can only hope that thanks to the competitive environment we will soon see more next-gen technologies.

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