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Speaking of which, Samsung doesn't share much in many ways and prefers to keep a number of important details to itself. The South Korean company also used this strategy when announcing a new foldable smartphone Galaxy Z Fold 2, which is supposed to build on its not very successful predecessor and usher in a new era. Although the manufacturer promised fans that we will see more details on September 1st, when the full unveiling will take place, however, a number of Samsung reviewers got ahead of themselves and rushed to introduce this promising piece. It is no different in the case of a Chinese technology enthusiast and reviewer, who got himself a piece and outlined in detail how the individual parts work and how they fare in comparison to other smartphones.

If you don't speak Chinese, you'll probably enjoy the new video especially the visuals. He captures it Galaxy Z Fold 2 from almost every page and presents not only the expected Flex Mode, but also its functionality in the form of playing multimedia and other content. Apart from that, you can also look at better multitasking, a cleaner and more user-friendly user interface and other bits of information that clearly indicate that we have a lot to look forward to. But we won't stress you any longer and we will directly refer you to the video below, where you can view the elegant design and the technology itself, on which the new foldable smartphone is built. And, of course, there is also some insight into how this unique game is actually played.

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