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Already tonight from 19:00 Apple is holding its traditional September press conference, this time with the title Apple Event. In other words, it means the D-day of all lovers Apple je zde. Na konferenci totiž představí celou řadu hardwarových novinek v čele s Apple Watch Series 6, iPady Air 4 a snad i iPhony 12, které doplní velmi pravděpodobně i několika softwarovými oznámeními jako například oznámením balíčků předplatných služeb za nižší cenu či rozšíření Apple Card do více států. Užijte si dnešní večer společně s námi na Samsung Magazine. Sledujte živý přenos Apple An event in Czech, where competitors may present themselves iPhone 12. You can watch it via the link below.

In addition to the Czech live stream, which you can enjoy below, we will be there for you on our sister site Letem světem Applem during the entire Keynote, prepare and publish articles about everything that happens on stage Apple The park rustles. So if you want to be in the perfect picture of tonight's events, you should not miss our magazine in the following hours and days. We will serve everything important here as if in the palm of your hand. For example, we can promise you detailed analyzes of all hardware news together with informaceme about their prices, as well as s informaceme regarding their availability on the domestic market.

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