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5G networks are the future of (not only) mobile devices, but their implementation is still in the early stages and only a few countries in the world have them ready for customers. According to Omdia's analysis, South Korea remains the global leader in the progress of their implementation, followed by Swedencarscheme that got ahead of Kuwait.

Omdia works with data obtained in the first quarter of this year and analyzes five key indicators. Thanks to the progress of the seamcarcompany Sunrise, the alpine country moved ahead of Kuwait with 426 cities and towns that have at least 80% 5G connectivity, a figure that rose to 535 by May. Sunrise's biggest competitor is telecoms giant Swisscom, which has already hit its XNUMX% coverage target .

However, the analysis points to an important point, namely that the availability of devices supporting 5G networks is currently limited. The leader in their adoption is again South Korea, which has 5,88 million, which is a tenth of all devices used in the country.

The second is not Švý this timecarsko, but Great Britain. Omdia highlights that the British government is investing heavily in digital connectivity. It has set aside £1,1 billion specifically for this purpose, with part of that funding (just under a third) going to infrastructure to support investment in new mobile and fixed networks. Among the EU members, Germany and Finland are making the most progress in this regard.


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