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As you know, Google is concerned about the security of its mobile operating system Android very based. In the past, it has launched several initiatives to improve it, such as using the Google Play Store to speed up the release of security updates or offering rewards for exposing vulnerabilities. He has now announced that he has launched a new program called Android Partner of the Vulnerability Initiative, which aims to warn about security flaws Androidespecially in third-party devices.

Google adds in its blog post that the new program has already solved a number of problems. He doesn't provide details directly in the post, but his bug tracker does. According to him, for example, Huawei had problems with unprotected device backups last year, sideloading vulnerabilities were found in phones from Oppo and Vivo, and ZTE had weaknesses in its messaging service and auto-filling of browser forms. Devices (coincidentally also Chinese) manufactured by Meizu or Transsion also had security errors.

Google also said it notified all affected manufacturers of its findings before releasing them. According to the tool's website, most of the bugs have already been fixed.

The new program appears to serve as a reminder that users should keep their devices updated, but in a way it also puts pressure on partners Androidu: fix your mistakes or the public will know you haven't.

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