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Samsung before the release of a flexible phone Galaxy From Fold 2 boasted that one of its biggest improvements over its predecessor would be its more durable articulated mechanism. And at least the endurance test conducted by YouTuber JerryRigEverything (real name Zack Nelson) proves that the tech giant wasn't talking in vain. The joint withstood the "dust bath" and bending in the wrong direction.

After doing some "scratch" tests, the YouTuber covered the joint, including the screen, with a pile of dirt. Result? According to him, the phone opened and closed as smoothly as when there was no dust on it. It is said that only the fingerprint reader had certain problems, which took a little longer to register the finger.

Galaxy The Z Fold 2 has the same features as Samsung's other foldable phones Galaxy From Flip a "brush" system built into the joint that prevents the penetration of dirt. And as the video shows, it is very effective. Nelson also found that bending the hinge the wrong way would not damage the main display.

So it seems that Galaxy The Z Fold 2 is actually better in terms of durability than its predecessor, whose launch was delayed by several months precisely because of problems with the hinge mechanism (and display). Meanwhile, Samsung has made several major changes, including sealing the ends of the joint to keep dust out. And the "two" is obviously building on this.

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