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As you may recall, last week we reported on a bug causing problems with Samsung's touchscreen Galaxy S20 FE. The good news is that it didn't take long for the tech giant to fix the problem with just two updates.

If you don't know what it was, some pieces Galaxy The S20 FE had an issue with touching properly, leading to ghosting, choppy interface animations, and an overall poorer user experience.

Samsung hasn't officially commented on the issue, but it appears to be aware of it, as it released an update that fixes it soon after some users started reporting it on its community forum and elsewhere.

The update carries firmware version G78xxXXU1ATJ1 and its release notes mention improvements to the touchscreen as well as the camera. But that's not all - Samsung is now releasing another update that seems to improve the user experience with the touch screen even more.

The second update with the firmware designation G78xxXXU1ATJ5 is currently being distributed in European countries, and although the release notes do not mention the resolution of the touchscreen issues, many users are now reporting that the touch response is even better than after installing the first update. The update is available for both LTE and 5G variants of the phone. If this applies to you, you can try installing it by opening Settings, selecting Software Update, and tapping Download and Install.

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