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Let's face it, the coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on almost all industries, and even though major publishers and technology giants had relatively big eyes in terms of sales at the beginning of the year, many of them rather cut their significantly inflated calculations and estimates by a few percent. However, the South Korean Samsung proudly stood by its opinion and even in October loudly proclaimed that the new flagship smartphone Galaxy Notes 20 will sell at least 800 units. But the consumers themselves did not pull out their wallets for the most part, and as it turned out, the bad language predictors of significantly lower sales were ultimately right. According to anonymous sources, the resulting number of units sold for October was just under 600 units, and although this is not a completely bad number, Samsung representatives do not hide their disappointment.

In addition to the bad news, there are also some more positive ones, for example, that a cheaper and significantly poorer battery in the form of Galaxy The Note 20 sold significantly less than the more expensive and noticeably more premium model Galaxy Notes 20 Ultra. According to customers, Samsung fans would rather pay extra for a better price/performance ratio than pay a relatively high amount for a piece of iron that doesn't bring enough new things to make it worthwhile to upgrade to a better model. One way or another, the South Korean giant has understandably reduced the volume of production, especially of the cheaper model, which sold 50% less than the more expensive ones. We'll see if Samsung manages to score more with the basic model in the future and entice even those fans who didn't immediately reach for the premium model. The truth is, however, that Galaxy In short, the Note 20 is not worth much for such a high amount, and willy-nilly it is somehow disappearing before our eyes.

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