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Surely you know it. You buy a new smartphone, laptop or any other expensive device and guard it like an eye in your head, because in case of loss or theft, you cannot rely too much on the help of others. At least that was the case in the past in the case of Samsung, which does have the service Care+, which covers a number of options to protect your beloved electronics, however, has not yet covered theft or loss due to your own fault, as is the case with Apple, for example. Fortunately, this is slowly changing, at least according to the developers at XDA Developers, who dug through the APK files and discovered several hidden news, which await us in the future. According to the programmers, the South Korean giant will soon offer the option to "pay extra" for premium services and enrich your Samsung service subscription Care+ for more options.

While the service now costs from $3.99 to $11.99, in the foreseeable future there could be an even more expensive option that would also include unexpected eventualities. It should be noted that the device would subsequently also be subject to full compensation if any mechanical damage not covered by the terms and conditions of the guarantee were to occur. According to the developers, the only limitation should be the maximum amount reimbursed, which will be $2500, and the possibility to apply for financial compensation a maximum of three times in 12 months. Either way, this is good news and we can only hope that it will Samsung will soon officially boast of these news.

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