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We've reported on the up-and-coming Chinese brand Oppo many times in the past, but now this growing giant has pulled out all the stops. Although for the most part Oppo copies the design of other smartphones and somehow rides on the wave of trends, in the case of the new concept, the opposite was true. The company wanted to showcase not only its technical capabilities, but also the opportunity to create a timeless design that could one day head to the market. We are talking about the Oppo X 2021 rollable smartphone concept, which can increase the display from 6.7 to 7.4 inches. This would not be anything new and too surprising, but this whole idea still has an interesting side effect. The entire mechanism is controlled by a set of miniature motors.

Either way, Oppo has confirmed that it doesn't look like mass production and production just yet. In practice, it is more of an imaginary technological demo and, above all, an effort to show the teeth to competitors. According to experts, the problem lies mainly in displays, which nowadays are still not flexible enough, and even though manufacturers often reach for toughened double glass, which increases the resistance of the top layer, it is still not a completely ideal solution. In any case, it's nice to know that someone else is actively working on a similar solution Samsung. After all, the entire market is fighting for the imaginary supremacy of the best rolling or folding smartphone.

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