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Although the current situation surrounding the new coronavirus pandemic is not conducive to classic New Year's Eve celebrations, smaller domestic gatherings will certainly not be without alcohol this year either. A morning headache usually heralds the toll of the previous evening full of indulgence in good food and quality drink. However, the world does not stop for some of us on the first of January. If you need to get behind the wheel or do another cognitively demanding activity at the beginning of the new year, it is convenient to know when the alcohol will completely disappear from your body. For such cases, there are alcohol calculators that can advise you in such situations.

Na Androidu there are countless different apps that promise to accurately calculate your blood alcohol level. However, many of them are insufficient and do not support some useful functions. We recommend the AlcoTrack application, which simplifies the entire process of recording the alcohol consumed the best, while offering a lot of additional information for curious drinkers.

When you first start the app, you will be asked for information such as your height, weight, age and gender, which contribute to the rate at which your body is able to break down alcohol. AlcoTrack will also ask you if you want to use it as a simple logger or as an abstinence aid. At the beginning, it is also reasonable to visit the settings and adjust the driving limit, which the application automatically sets to 0,4 per thousand. There is zero tolerance in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

AlcoTrack works by recording the amount of alcohol consumed. For each drink, you determine its volume and alcohol content, while you can choose from a pre-prepared list, and the time during which you drank it. The app will then tell you how many parts per million you currently have in your blood and how long it will take you to sober up. It presents the data impressively with a simple graph and a summary of the information below. However, you must not forget that informace given by the application are only indicative and the resulting percentage of alcohol in the blood varies from person to person.

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