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Samsung continues to rapidly release the January security patch - its latest recipients are smartphones Galaxy Notes 9 a Galaxy fold. It reaches users of these devices exactly one week after it first appeared on the airwaves.

Update with the January patch intended for Galaxy The Note 9 carries firmware version N960FXXS7FUA1, while the update for Galaxy The Fold has the designation F900FXXS4CTL1. Apart from security improvements, neither update contains any changes or additions.

As usual, new updates will be rolled out around the world gradually, so it will take some time to reach all users. At least in case Galaxy Note 20; update for Galaxy Fold is currently available for download in most European countries. That's likely because Samsung's first bendable smartphone sold in small volumes, so its software patches don't pose an infrastructure risk to mobile operators if they're released to the world all at once.

If you are the owner of one of the devices mentioned above and the new updates have not yet reached you, you can try to start the manual installation as always by opening Settings, selecting the option on Software Update and clicking on the Download and Install option.

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