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A new source code analysis of the Google News app in version 7.2.203 has revealed a text string that suggests that Google for its default androidové's SMS client is preparing a certain change. And if it becomes a reality, users of the app on some devices will have to look for alternatives.

The text string clearly states that the Google Messages app will stop working on "non-certified devices" starting March 31. By these devices, Google means those that run on Androidu, but did not pass its official certification process for GMS (Google Mobile Services; Google services). These devices are marketed without the mandatory Google applications, but their sellers are usually able to advise customers on how to sideload these applications and service frameworks.

Google put a stop to these practices, but the Google News app was not affected by the consequences of these actions. However, that will soon change. If you have uncertified androidov device, the application will stop working for you in two months. The change is most likely related to the fact that Google began to release end-to-end encryption functionality for the application (more precisely, for the service RCS, which can be turned on in it). Apparently, Google cannot guarantee that non-certified devices are not at risk and that the subsequent conversation of users of these devices is not at risk in any way.

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