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The word lockdown does not exactly evoke positive emotions after all the events of the past months. The upcoming survival shooter Lost Light will lock you into an inaccessible zone by itself and entrust you with the task of rescuing the survivors of a mysterious disaster from it. Although the game takes place in 2040, its main premise is chillingly contemporary. However, Lost Light will send you to the closed area repeatedly, each time with better equipment and improved knowledge of its laws.

Lost Light will be a multiplayer affair, where it will play in the environment of the already mentioned closed area. After the first escape from it, the game will give you the opportunity to relax in your own home and put together in your head the experiences of the adventure you just lived. In addition to memories, you will also be crafting acquired equipment and raw materials. These can be used in trade with other players. Trading will get you useful equipment much faster than if you had to rely on the role of chance to explore a disaster-ravaged area.

The developers from NetEase put great emphasis on the authenticity of the weapons used during the development of the game. There will be a large number of them in Lost Light, and each of them should have a corresponding counterpart in the real world. Weapons will be fine-tuned to match your play style with twelve modifiable parts with thousands of different permutations. The developers plan to release the game sometime in the first half of this year.

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