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Combining card game genres with rogue-like principles has been quite popular recently. The initial inspiration for the current increase in the number of such games was the great Slay the Spire, which first achieved great success with the game formula. The game received a number of ports after its release on PC, including mobile devices. In the original announcement of the mobile version, the publishers promised that the game after release on iOS in May 2020, it will also look at smartphones and tablets with Androidem. The wait was tiring, but finally the game is coming to phones without the apple sign on the back. AndroidAccording to the official announcement of the publisher Humble Games, the new port of the game is scheduled to be released on February 3.

At the start of Slay the Spire, you will be tasked with climbing to the top floor of a mysterious tower. After choosing one of three different professions, he presents you with a pack of starting cards and sends you into battle. These are turn-based using randomly found cards from your deck. You can add new ones to it after each successful battle or between fights by buying from merchants scattered around the tower. In addition to normal enemies, bosses and their smaller, but more annoying variants will go after you.

The game is based on the uniqueness of each "rune" played, when at the beginning it will offer you several choices that will determine the success of your entire endeavor. Randomness in the selection of cards is important, but each of the games stands and falls on the available relics, which fundamentally change your passage through the game. All the game systems in Slay the Spire work perfectly together. Each of the games will offer you a unique experience, which is further deepened by the possibility of choosing a profession and unlocking higher difficulties. So for me personally, February 3rd, when the game comes out, will probably mean an absolute waste of free time. Having Slay the Spire always available in your pocket is a guaranteed recipe for killing all your other productivity. Let it be here.

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