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In the 1980s, text-based adventure games flourished on computers and the first home consoles. The forerunner of the increasingly popular clicker adventure genre relied only on the written word and, in some cases, a few static images to tell the story and immerse the players themselves. Of course, the text genre has been surpassed over time and made way for more graphically rich games, but it seems to be experiencing a small renaissance on smartphones. The proof is the new game Black Lazar, which uses the pattern of text adventures and moves it closer to current trends.

Black Lazar by Pleon Words Studio (created by a single developer) tells the story of a gloomy detective who gets involved in a big case. His task during the game will be to get behind a big crime boss. However, his decisions and especially his problematic past can prevent him from doing so. During his quest, the main character will travel around the world and, in addition to meeting interesting characters, he will also have flashbacks from his past.

The game's script could fill over five hundred pages, and the studio promises that the decisions you make while playing make Black Lazar endlessly replayable. Pleon Words complements the extensive story with more than one hundred and twenty animated images, numerous sound effects and original music. If you are interested in this variation on an unusual genre, you can get it from Google Play download for free.

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