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Like ours previous news you see, Samsung is considering building its most advanced logic chip manufacturing plant in the US, specifically in Austin, Texas. He allegedly wants to invest more than 10 billion dollars (roughly 214 billion crowns) in the project. However, the tech giant is reportedly asking for some incentives. According to Reuters, if Austin wants the giant factory to stand here, it must forgive Samsung at least $806 million in taxes (approximately CZK 17,3 billion).

Samsung's request comes from a document the company sent to representatives of the state of Texas. It also said the factory would create 1800 jobs, and that if Samsung chooses Austin, construction will begin in the second quarter of this year. It would then be put into operation in the third quarter of 2023.

If Samsung doesn't come to an agreement with Texas representatives on tax breaks (or "it" doesn't work out for other reasons), it could build its 3nm chip factory elsewhere - it is said to be "exploring the terrain" these days in Arizona and New York, but also in the home South Korea.

The project is part of Samsung's plan to become number one in the field of chip production by 2030, dethroning the long-term ruler of this segment, the Taiwanese company TSMC. The South Korean technology giant already announced last year that it intends to invest 116 billion dollars (approximately 2,5 trillion crowns) in next-generation chips over the next ten years.

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