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The highest model of Samsung's new flagship series Galaxy S21 - S21Ultra – is an almost perfect smartphone except for a few small things. However, some customers may not be so lucky, at least according to a series of posts that have started appearing on Samsung's official forums in recent days, in which users complain about poor sound coming from the phone's top speaker.

The problem is said to manifest itself in different ways - one user Galaxy The S21 Ultra complains of crackling sound on forums, while others say the sound coming out of the speaker is too quiet or distorted. Some users have already contacted Samsung and received a replacement piece with the speaker working as expected.

The problem may be caused by faulty hardware, but the good news for most fans of the new flagship is that the problem seems to be affecting only a very small number of users. In theory, it could also be a very unusual software problem that affects only a small number of units in some markets. In any case, Samsung has not yet officially commented on the matter.

If you're a new Ultra owner, have you encountered the above issues or other audio-related problems? Let us know in the comments below the article.

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