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AndroidThis version of YouTube, probably the most popular streaming platform in the world, has received support for playing videos in 4K resolution. So far they could androidusers can watch videos in a maximum resolution of 1440p, even if their phone's display supports a higher resolution and the video was recorded in 4K.

Users androidolder versions of YouTube had to wait some time to make this option available; users iOS version it in connection with the release of the system iOS They received 14 already in September. It should be noted that 4K videos will only be viewable if they are recorded at this resolution or higher and support HDR.

Users androidnew version will now see another option – 2160p60 HDR – in the quality selection of the respective video in the application. The lowest option to choose is 144p60 HDR.

A few days ago, the popular streaming platform announced a number of innovations to improve the user experience for both creators and viewers. These include, for example, a modernized interface for tablets and updates to the video chapter function. In addition, the platform also announced that a feature for height-oriented short videos called YouTube Shorts will be available in the US from March, which it wants to compete with TikTok.

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