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Recently, the rapidly gaining popularity of the social audio platform Clubhouse has already collected over 8 million downloads worldwide, despite the fact that it is still in the pre-launch phase and operates only in invitation mode. This was reported by the analytical company App Annie.

According to her estimates, the number of downloads of an app she only recently received androidversion, increased from 1-16 February from 3,5 million to 8,1 million. Behind the impressive growth are well-known figures from the technological world who have recently joined the Clubhouse, including Tesla founder Elon Musk and Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg.

Over 2,6 million of the total downloads, according to App Annie, came from the US. Clubhouse informace has not officially disclosed the number of downloads or registered users, but in January, the head of Alpha Exploration, which develops the app, Paul Davison, said that Clubhouse has two million weekly active users. As for the total number of registered users, it is estimated at 6-10 million.

Thanks to the popularity of the app, which is about a year old, its rivals such as Dizhua, Tiya or Yalla are now also gaining popularity, gaining the favor of users especially in China, the USA, Egypt or Saudi Arabia. The aforementioned Facebook is also allegedly preparing its own version of Clubhouse.

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