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It looks like the creative stagnation of the card Hearthstone is over for good. The game has been reinvigorated over the past few years by new game modes and, most importantly, by the developers' commitment to controlling the metagame, which allows them to fix problematic cards as soon as problems start to crop up. The revitalization of the game will continue even in the year of the griffin, as the developers named the new game season. At the annual Blizzcon event, they unveiled the new Forged in the Barrens expansion in addition to their more general plans.

The new set will contain 135 cards and the new Frenzy game mechanic. It is activated whenever a minion with this ability takes the very first damage. Another novelty of the expansion is the classification of spells into different schools of magic, as happens, for example, in the MMO World of Warcraft. Developers from Blizzard will distribute already issued cards to individual schools, new minions that interact with individual types of spells will have something to work with. As the new expansion takes us into the inhospitable wastes of Azeroth, we'll be accompanied by mercenaries in training. We will meet them in the form of legendary minions, whose story we will follow throughout the following year. Forged in the Barrens will enrich the game in the coming months.

Another new feature that will be coming to the game sometime during the year is the Mercenaries game mode. In it, you will assemble a team of legendary heroes and fight with them in tactical battles against bosses and against teams of other players. Unlike the already established Battlegrounds, you will not let your squad fight automatically, but you will give them orders during battles. What do you think about the announced news? Will it make you want to come back to the game again? Share your opinion with us in the discussion below the article.

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