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The new Lyxo mobile game will give you the opportunity to think about what light means to you. In and of itself, it allows us to use one of our most important senses, but for some, light beams have a deeper meaning, such as developer Tobias Sturn. One day he found himself in a darkened room and a narrow beam of light inspired him with the idea of ​​a game in which the players would have to navigate precisely such streams of photons to the right places.

The developer tries to describe the emotional relationship to light in the game. Thoughtful Sturn sees light beams not only as a gameplay element, but also as a means of introspection for each of the players. The game's narrow focus is aided by its minimalist graphics, which are inspired by the Bauhaus art school, and meditative musical accompaniment. Sturn is no newcomer to the development of unique games, it is responsible for the Machinaero project, in which you can build unique mechanical vehicles.

But in Lyxo, your task will only be to guide the light rays to the designated places. Well-placed and tilted mirrors will help you with this. In addition, the color of the light stream will change during the campaign. This should reflect the evolving relationship to light that you will experience in a total of 87 levels. These were all hand-designed by Sturn, you won't encounter any procedural generation here. You can play Lyxo for 89,99 crowns from Google Play download now.

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