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Sitting under the starry sky and looking for different constellations on it is a pastime, which even in lighter times is made impossible by cloudy skies or light smog near cities. So why not relax with stargazing at least on mobile phone screens? That's probably what the thought process of the Whitepot Stud developers looked likeios, when they came up with the idea for their newly released StarGazing game. It should combine the relaxation of discovering new constellations with light puzzle gameplay.

The developers describe the title as an astronomically relaxing pattern-finding puzzle game. You find the constellations by connecting the stars contained in them. Hand-drawn hints in your recorder will guide you to the correct solution. These will show you what patterns you would have in the night sky. Then it is only a matter of time before you can connect all the necessary points and complete the constellation. The company will make a lo-fi relaxing soundtrack for you.

Stargazing also brings with it an educational dimension. After its discovery, each constellation is entered into an encyclopedia, where you can read about its origin and history. The game then gives out special collectibles for completing individual tasks within a predetermined time. Although they won't help you in your search, they are another proof that the developers put a lot of work into the game. There are currently 51 different constellations available in StarGazing, with more to come over time. You can download the game on Google Play completely free.

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