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Samsung may replace the Tizen operating system with one or more smartwatches this year androidov WearOS. But when it comes to the smart TV portfolio, the Korean tech giant has no reason to abandon Tizen. If only because, according to market analysts, Tizen will remain the leading TV streaming platform for years to come.

Tizen is simply too successful for Samsung to even consider replacing it. Last year, the company became number one in the TV market for the 32th time in a row, gaining a share of just under XNUMX%, and all of its smart TVs are powered by Tizen. In other words, Samsung's giant stake is keeping this Linux-based system "on the map" and ensuring its continued success.

According to previous reports, Tizen powered 2019% of all TVs on the market in 11,6. A year later, that figure rose to 12,7% as the number of Tizen-powered TVs rose to more than 162 million.

Tizen has grown tremendously over the past five years and now ranks first in the smart TV market in terms of market share. It is followed by WebOS from LG with a share of 7,3% and Fire OS by Amazon with a share of 6,4%.

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