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The card game Hearthstone has been under a barrage of criticism for some years now. She usually mentions the bad experience of new and returning players. While developers at Blizzard have tried to do something about the situation over the years, it's never been a strong enough move for those unhappy with the state of the game. However, the upcoming update 20.0 should finally win over these critics. We will see a lot of changes in the game that should make Hearthstone more accessible to everyone.

The gameplay itself, of course, remains the same, but some formats and card sets will undergo a transformation. The change that will probably have the biggest impact on the game is the modification of the Card Core Set. This represents the very first set that was released in the game in 2014. But over the years, the effectiveness of the cards contained in it continued to decrease. So the developers will add new cards with improved abilities and change a number of older cards so that they can keep up with the ever-increasing power of new cards.

Another big change is the introduction of the new Classic format. It will be a time capsule, intended for all those who dislike the direction of game design towards the randomness of effects. Only the cards that were in the game when it was released will be available in Classic, as they existed at the time. You can look forward to a game flavored with nostalgia and seasoned with new cards in update 20.0 as early as Thursday, March 25.

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