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Commercial message: Several hours a day, every working day, for many years in a row. If your job involves sitting at a desk, you've probably already noticed that it's not good for the human body. Back pain is the most obvious problem, but studies have shown the negative impact of prolonged sitting on a number of other areas of human health. It promotes excess weight, aids muscle wasting, increases blood pressure and is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

World Health Organization it has a term for it: a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of exercise is among the top 10 causes of death worldwide. With two million victims a year, it may not be as media-gracious a topic as Covid-19, but it is the stealthiness, invisibility and long-term character that are the most insidious aspects of office sitting. According to the WHO, 60 to 85% of people on the planet lead a sedentary lifestyle, and the Czech Republic in particular is closer to that upper limit.

The current situation has been worsened by the coronavirus pandemic. It drove crowds of people to the "home office," which often means worsening ergonomic conditions. Closed fitness centers and inclement autumn weather mean fewer opportunities to exercise.

Home Office

A watch and the right desk will help

What technology has caused (sitting is often associated with working at a computer), technology is trying to fix. Apple Watch and other smart watches are able to detect sitting rigidly for too long and prompt their wearer to move. Then it's up to everyone to decide whether to obey the call.

At the same time, the help is relatively simple. In 2016, research from Texas A&M University looked at the problem and showed that it is enough to get up to work sometimes. Just 30 minutes a day strengthens the muscles of the deep stabilization system, which has a positive effect on spine posture and chronic back pain. When standing, the body burns more calories, which prevents the development of obesity, and naturally puts stress on the skeleton, which slows down bone loss. Concentration also improves, and therefore the entire work performance.

The same study identified so-called lifting tables, which change the height of the board within a few seconds, as the ideal solution. Getting up from the desk and walking with the computer a little further away, where you can work standing up, is a test of discipline, and not everyone can stand it for a long time. But with a lifting table, changing the working position is a matter of pressing a button, so there is nothing to prevent you from sitting down and standing up several times an hour. There is no need to carry a computer, unfolded documents, or a cup of coffee.

They are a great solution Liftor positioning tables, which allow you to change the height of the worktop for the price of ordinary office furniture. In the configurator, you determine the dimensions of the board and choose a design from apple white to wooden decors to black. Accessories take care of the correct position of the monitors and the computer, or the safe movement of the cabling.

The confidence of the young brand is confirmed by guarantees. A 5-year warranty is standard, which can be extended to 10 years for a nominal fee. Shipping is free, and despite custom assembly, Liftor manages to deliver a finished desk within three business days. Then the customer has a month to try it out, until then they can return the table without having to explain anything.

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