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Masaryk Oncology Institute (MOÚ) becomes the first hospital in the Czech Republic to present its own unique MOU MEDDI mobile application. Thus, it significantly expands the possibilities of secure electronic communication between the patient and the attending physician with the help of a video call, a chat or a classic telephone call. The doctors of the MOÚ can now offer patients an online consultation of their health status. The application also allows you to send requests for a prescription or various educational materials that explain the details associated with the disease and its treatment. The MOÚ collaborated with the Czech company MEDDI hub, as on the development. The application was successfully tested by the first dozens of patients in pilot mode, and the MOÚ will gradually start providing it in routine care as part of standard communication.

In addition to the already mentioned functions, MOU MEDDI also allows you to share medical reports and other important documents electronically in a secure environment, where communication is encrypted by default on both ends. Informace therefore, they can only view the sender and recipient. From the comfort of their homes, patients can contact the nurse and the doctor, make an appointment online or change the date of the visit.

"Modern communication technology offers great possibilities and we have long thought about how we could use them for our patients. There has been a lot of talk about telemedicine in recent years, but this is really the first project that connects the possibilities of modern platforms with the needs of communication between patients and healthcare professionals. The application certainly does not have the ambition to replace personal meetings, but it can be used very appropriately in many situations, which is also proven by the current pandemic situation. We maintain treatment methods at the MOÚ at a truly top-notch level, and we therefore want to enable our patients to use current communication technologies and make it easier for them to connect with our healthcare professionals. I am pleased that we are introducing the unique MOU MEDDI application, in the development of which we participated, into routine care," explains prof. Mark Svoboda, director of the MOI.

MOU MEDDI is not a substitute for a personal doctor's visit. The patient can use the application at any time, but this does not mean an immediate response from doctors and nurses. As part of their outpatient services, they have a set time to answer questions. During a remote consultation via MOU MEDDI, it may happen that the doctor evaluates the condition as necessary for a personal visit. The application is not used to solve acute health problems, but facilitates long-term monitoring in oncology treatment, facilitates routine communication and saves time for patients and medical professionals.

"I dare say that this mobile application is a major milestone in Czech hospital care. Just as we have become accustomed to sending payments through internet banking or from our mobile phone, I believe that we will see a similar development in telemedicine. In a few years, it will be common that many things can be solved remotely, for example from home, without visiting a doctor in person. In most Czech hospitals, it is difficult to get in touch with a doctor apart from a classic phone call. In addition, it is problematic to coordinate the call time to suit both the patient and the doctor at the same time. However, the new application allows, among other things, to send a text message, so it does not distract the doctor from examining another patient in the office," he explains Jiří Sedo, doctor and deputy for strategy, communication and education of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Other novelties include smart questionnaires compiled by doctors at the Medical Center for Patients. Their task will be to specifically monitor, for example, adverse effects of chemotherapy. Patients fill them in on their mobile phone and send them using the application. The doctors will then have a clear graph with the answers on their monitor.


"Our goal is certainly not to replace conventional medicine or conventional health care. We want to simplify communication between doctor and patient as much as possible and thus save them valuable time, offer modern services and overall make the existing system more efficient. The MOU MEDDI application represents the modern oncology of the 21st century, but the general concept of the MEDDI app is suitable for any medical facility. Thanks to our application, patients' personal visits to surgeries can be reduced by up to a fifth," he adds Jiří Pecina, the owner of MEDDI hub, which developed the app. The MOU MEDDI application is supported by a team of Brno experts and is a supplement to medical services with the possibility of visual contact as opposed to a normal call.

"Especially lately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has become clear how important the use of modern technologies is in communication, including in medicine. Telemedicine can thus save the health and lives of those who cannot come to the doctor or are afraid to come physically. Thanks for the fact that Brno is the center of development of this medicine of the future," he adds Jan Grolich, Governor of the South Moravian Region.

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