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Almost half of the smartphone market in the Czech Republic is controlled by Samsung. In April, according to the GfK agency, this brand accounted for 45% of smartphones sold on our market, and for the entire quarter 38,3%, which represents a year-on-year increase of 6 percentage points. The volume of all smartphones sold, regardless of brand, showed the same growth compared to last year for the first quarter of this year.

Thanks to its close cooperation with manufacturers and the biggest sellers, the GfK agency has a very precise and unique informace about the mobile phone market in the Czech Republic. Its data represent actually sold mobile phones to end users on the Czech market (sell-out), not just deliveries (sell-in), where it is not clear when, where and how they will be sold. So GfK shows the true reality of the market.

Samsung has the strongest position in the segment of smartphones in the price range from CZK 7-500, which includes its most popular series Galaxy And, including the best-selling model ever in April Galaxy A52. In this group, almost two-thirds of mobile phones sold in the Czech Republic in April belonged to the Korean technology giant. Of the more expensive models priced above 15 crowns, Samsung sold this year's flagship the most Galaxy S21.

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