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SmartThings is one of the best IoT platforms in the world and Samsung improves it every year with new features. In recent months, it has expanded it with SmartThings Find and SmartThings Energy functions. Now, the Korean tech giant has announced SmartThings Edge for faster and more reliable home automation.

SmartThings Edge is a new framework for the SmartThings platform that allows the main functions of smart home devices to run on the local network instead of the cloud. Thanks to this, the experience of using a smart home should be faster, more reliable and safer. Samsung said that users may not see changes to the front end, but that the backend will be significantly faster in terms of connectivity and experience.

This new feature eliminates the need for cloud processing, meaning that many processes can be performed locally on the SmartThings Hub central unit. Users can also add devices for LAN as well as devices supporting Z-Wave and Zigbee protocols. SmartThings Edge is compatible with the second and third versions of SmartThings Hub and newer central units sold by Aotec. In addition, it supports the new open source smart home platform Matter, behind which, in addition to Samsung, Amazon, Google and Apple.

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